| 1. | Standard specification for electrolytic copper cathode 电解铜阴极标准规范 |
| 2. | Copper and copper alloys - copper cathodes ; german version en 1978 : 1998 铜和铜合金.铜阴极 |
| 3. | En 1978 copper cathodes . copper and copper alloys 铜和铜合金.铜阴极 |
| 4. | Methods for analytical of copper cathode - the optical emission spectrometry 阴极铜直读光谱分析方法 |
| 5. | Copper and copper alloys - copper cathodes 铜及铜合金.铜阴极 |
| 6. | Higher purity copper cathode - determination of silicon content - molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method 钼蓝分光光度法测定硅量 |
| 7. | Higher purity copper cathode - determination of sulphur content - combustion - potassium iodate titrimetric method 碘酸钾滴定法测定硫量 |
| 8. | Higher purity copper cathode - determination of zinc content - flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定锌量 |
| 9. | Higher purity copper cathode - determination of selenium and tellurum contents - catalytic oscillopolarographic method 催化示波极谱法测定硒碲量 |
| 10. | Higher purity copper cathode - determination of bismuth content - hydride generation - atomic fluorescence spectrometric method 无色散原子荧光光谱法测定铋量 |